Looking for an online activity to engage your maths class today? Or an online widget to consolidate what you learnt yesterday?
MathsLinks is a directory of 1887 (and counting) useful links found on the web for teaching Maths, with a focus on Australian curriculum. This site aims to not only collate the best maths activities on the web, but present them in a meaningful way.

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Screenshot of New largest prime number found! See all 41,024,320 digits.
New largest prime number found! See all 41,024,320 digits.

22 Oct 2024

2136,279,841 − 1 has 41,024,320 digits and is prime! Read all about the new largest prime number ever found.

Screenshot of Mechanics HSC Questions! | Extension 2 Mathematics
Mechanics HSC Questions! | Extension 2 Mathematics

6 Oct 2024

A video working tthrough several mechanics questions from past Mathematics Extension 2 examinations.

Screenshot of www.maths-starters.co.uk

5 Oct 2024

This website provides a selection of timed Maths starters. The starters are designed to provide practice at a range of numeracy skills. Each…