Correlation coefficient with a Casio

Calculator, Demonstration, Publisher, Stuart Palmer, Video, YouTube

Video showing the steps required to calculate the correlation coefficient on a Casio calculator.

Would be useful to play while the students follow the steps with their own calculators.

15 October 2015 Edit: 27 November 2019

User submitted, thanks to

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Simon Job on  18 April 20  at  02:16 PM #

A1: For this particular example they don’t, but in the video Stuart was following a worksheet from a Casio booklet that includes this step (I guess for questions where Frequency is required). As the frequency in this example is turned on, it just sits at one. For some students, it may be beneficial to always have the frequency column on, whether the frequency is greater than one or not.

A2: This video refers to an instruction sheet from the book “How Do I ... on a Casio fx-82AU Plus II and fx-100 AU Plus” published by Casio. I cannot find that book online, but Casio have some other resources here

Samantha O'Dea on  18 April 20  at  01:55 PM #

Q 1: Why do students need to enter the frequency for the data set that was used in the video?

Q 2: Could you please upload the 3 page document which you mention in the video which includes the question used?