Extension 1 Preliminary Videos


Lesson, Video

I created these videos based on the Fitzpatrick Extension 1 (1st Edition) textbook. The idea is my class watches the videos at home and then attempts the work by themselves noting questions they are unable to complete. They then either ask through a Facebook group we have created or during class which is now dedicated to solving problems than delivering content. This is the "Flipped Classroom" model (although not flipped mastery) that I began with a course designed by Richard Andrew.

26 March 2014 Edit: 19 December 2017

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AdvancedPolynomialsSpace and Geometry
Content Type:
NSW Mathematics Extension 1 Stage 6 Syllabus
FunctionsME-F2 PolynomialsME-F2.1 Remainder and factor theorems
NSW Mathematics Extension 1 11-12 Syllabus (2024) New
FunctionsPolynomialsRemainder and factor theorems

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