oPhysics: Interactive Physics Simulations - Kinematics


GeoGebra, Interactive

Interactives for vectors and mechanics.

20 April 2020 Edit: 20 April 2020

Content Type:
Australian Curriculum / Specialist Mathematics
Unit 1 Topic 2 Vectors in the planeRepresenting vectors in the plane by directed line segments:ACMSM010 examine examples of vectors including displacement and velocityACMSM013 use the triangle rule to find the sum and difference of two vectors.Algebra of vectors in the plane:ACMSM015 define and use unit vectors and the perpendicular unit vectors i and jACMSM016 express a vector in component form using the unit vectors i and jACMSM017 examine and use addition and subtraction of vectors in component formACMSM020 apply the scalar product to vectors expressed in component formACMSM021 examine properties of parallel and perpendicular vectors and determine if two vectors…ACMSM022 define and use projections of vectorsUnit 1 Topic 3 GeometryGeometric proofs using vectors in the plane including:Unit 2 Topic 2 MatricesTransformations in the plane:ACMSM054 translations and their representation as column vectorsUnit 3 Topic 3 Vectors in three dimensionsThe algebra of vectors in three dimensions:ACMSM101 review the concepts of vectors from Unit 1 and extend to three dimensions including i…Vector calculus:ACMSM111 consider position of vectors as a function of time
NSW Mathematics Extension 1 Stage 6 Syllabus
VectorsME-V1 Introduction to VectorsME-V1.1 Introduction to vectorsME-V1.2 Further operations with vectorsME-V1.3 Projectile motion
NSW Mathematics Extension 1 11-12 Syllabus (2024) New
VectorsIntroduction to vectorsFurther operations with vectorsProjectile motion

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