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Sub-topics: AC9M4N01 recognise and extend the application of place value to tenths and hundredths and use the co (4) AC9M4N02 explain and use the properties of odd and even numbers (2) AC9M4N03 find equivalent representations of fractions using related denominators and make connection (9) AC9M4N04 count by fractions including mixed numerals; locate and represent these fractions as number (1) AC9M4N05 solve problems involving multiplying or dividing natural numbers by multiples or powers of (0) AC9M4N06 develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involvi (9) AC9M4N07 choose and use estimation and rounding to check and explain the reasonableness of calculati (1) AC9M4N08 use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicativ (0) AC9M4N09 follow and create algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions that use addition (2)