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Mathematics Advanced and Extension 1 (2019) booklets

Preview of Mathematics Advanced and Extension 1 (2019) booklets

Resource Type: Booklet, Student Booklet

Course work booklets for the new Advanced and Extension 1 (2019) courses in NSW.

Latest version will always be available here.

The showcloze version is the teacher version.

Note: These booklets may include Extension 1 content. For the separate Extension 1 booklets see: Mathematics Extension 1 (2019) booklets.

8 Feb 2025: All updated to latest versions.
16 Dec 2023: All updated to latest versions.
26 Oct 2022: All updated to latest versions.
30 March 2021: Updates to MA-F1, MA-F1-2, MA-T1-2, MA-E1, MA-C2-3-4
31 October 2020: All updated to latest versions.

22 January 2019 Edit: 27 March 2025

Shared by     Sydney Area, Australia

This resource has been shared under a Creative Commons license:
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike by-nc-sa

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Michelle Moss on  06 January 23  at  10:20 AM #

Thanks, these are excellent resources. I have used some of them and they’re especially helpful when starting out.

kanchan on  09 July 20  at  06:57 AM #

Thank you very much Hubert, these resources are very useful especially for the new syllabus topics.

Hubert on  07 July 20  at  09:26 PM #

hahaha “Showcloze” was actually a very simple LaTeX ifthen package implementation - the cloze package unfortunately relies on LuaLaTeX which adds an additional layer of complexity over plain vanilla LaTeX 😊

It does require the following packages to be loaded:

\usepackage{calc} % used by \widthof


\newcommand{\Cloze}[1]{ %
  \ifShowCloze %
      \dotuline{\parbox[b]{\widthof{\Huge\textbf{#1}}}{ \vphantom{\vspace{1ex}} \centering %
      {\color{red}  {\protect #1}} %
  \else %
      \dotuline{\parbox[b]{\widthof{\Huge\textbf{#1}}}{ \vphantom{\vspace{1ex}}\centering %
  \fi %

Simon Job on  23 May 20  at  10:44 AM #site manager

The cloze package Hubert is using has a hide and show option, hence the phrase.

Jonathan Bower on  23 May 20  at  09:29 AM #

Thanks Simon, I am interested in where “showcloze” the term initiated from

Simon Job on  22 May 20  at  03:15 PM #site manager

Hi Jonathan,
The regular version of the books include blanks for students to complete in some other definitions and other places. So, “showcloze” indicates that the blanks have been filled in.

Jonathan Bower on  22 May 20  at  12:45 PM #

I feel somewhat silly or naive but, what does “showcloze” actually mean, is it an application or programing command to hide/show information as you progress?