Statistical Language


A comprehensive explanation of statistical concepts and terms.

1 March 2015 Edit: 1 March 2015

The Australian Curriculum
Statistics and ProbabilityData representation and interpretationACMSP118 Year 5 Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by observation or surveyACMSP169 Year 7 Identify and investigate issues involving continuous or large count data collected fACMSP171 Year 7 Calculate mean, median, mode and range for sets of data. Interpret these statistics ACMSP206 Year 8 Explore the practicalities and implications of obtaining representative data using aACMSP284 Year 9 Investigate techniques for collecting data, including census, sampling and observati
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 New
Year 5Statistics Year 5AC9M5ST02 interpret line graphs representing change over time; discuss the relationships that are reYear 7Statistics Year 7AC9M7ST01 acquire data sets for discrete and continuous numerical variables and calculate the range,Year 8Statistics Year 8AC9M8ST01 investigate techniques for data collection including census, sampling, experiment and obse
NSW Mathematics K-10 Syllabus
Statistics and ProbabilityMA3-18SP DataMA4-19SP Data Collection and RepresentationMA4-20SP Single Variable Data AnalysisMA5.1-12SP Single Variable Data AnalysisMA5.2-15SP Single Variable Data AnalysisMA5.3-18SP Single Variable Data Analysis
NSW Curriculum New
Statistics and probabilityDataMA3-DATA DataMA3-DATA-01 DataData classification, visualisation and analysisMA4-DAT-C-01 Data classification and visualisationMA4-DAT-C-02 Data analysisMA5-DAT-C-01 Data analysis AMA5-DAT-C-02 Data analysis B

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