Number Line, by The Math Learning Centre (web)

Interactive, Publisher, Math Learning Center, iPod / iPhone / iPad App

Number Line helps students develop a deeper understanding of place value while building their computation skills with multi-digit numbers. Students use the pieces to represent multi-digit numbers, regroup, add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

Also available as a free app for Apple iOS devices.

1 March 2014 Edit: 7 November 2018

The Australian Curriculum
Number and AlgebraNumber and place valueACMNA015 Year 1 Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strateACMNA029 Year 2 Explore the connection between addition and subtractionACMNA030 Year 2 Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental andACMNA031 Year 2 Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arraysACMNA032 Year 2 Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple probleACMNA054 Year 3 Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtractionACMNA056 Year 3 Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division factsACMNA057 Year 3 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and wri
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0
Year 1Number Year 1AC9M1N04 add and subtract numbers within 20, using physical and virtual materials, part-part-whole kYear 2Number Year 2AC9M2N05 multiply and divide by one-digit numbers using repeated addition, equal grouping, arrays, aAC9M2N04 add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems using number sentences, Year 3Number Year 3AC9M3N04 multiply and divide one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems using number sentenceAlgebra Year 3AC9M3A03 recall and demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5 and 10; extend andAC9M3A01 recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction as inverse operations
NSW Curriculum K - 10
Number and algebraCombining and separating quantitiesMAE-CSQ Combining and separating quantitiesMAE-CSQ-01 Combining and separating quantitiesMA1-CSQ Combining and separating quantitiesMA1-CSQ-01 Combining and separating quantitiesForming groupsMAE-FG Forming groupsMAE-FG-02 Forming groupsMA1-FG Forming groupsMA1-FG-01 Forming groupsAdditive relationsMA2-AR Additive relationsMA2-AR-01 Additive relationsMA3-AR Additive relationsMA3-AR-01 Additive relationsMultiplicative relationsMA2-MR Multiplicative relationsMA2-MR-01 Multiplicative relationsMA3-MR Multiplicative relationsMA3-MR-01 Multiplicative relations

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