How to measure a tree using a stick and some simple maths

Interesting, Stimulus, Video

A great discussion starter as a follow-up to similar triangles or maybe trigonometry.

The Forestry Commission England shares a technique for measuring the height of a tree using a stick.

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10 July 2017 Edit: 9 November 2017

The Australian Curriculum
Measurement and GeometryGeometric reasoningACMMG220 Year 9 Use the enlargement transformation to explain similarity and develop the conditions ACMMG221 Year 9 Solve problems using ratio and scale factors in similar figuresPythagoras and trigonometryACMMG223 Year 9 Use similarity to investigate the constancy of the sine, cosine and tangent ratios f
The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 New
Year 9Measurement Year 9AC9M9M03 solve spatial problems, applying angle properties, scale, similarity, Pythagoras’ theorem aSpace Year 9AC9M9SP02 recognise the constancy of the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a given angle in right-
Australian Curriculum / General Mathematics
Unit 1 Topic 3 Shape and measurementSimilar figures and scale factorsACMGM021 review the conditions for similarity of two-dimensional figures including similar tri…ACMGM022 use the scale factor for two similar figures to solve linear scaling problems
NSW Mathematics K-10 Syllabus
Measurement and GeometryMA5.1-11MG Properties of Geometrical FiguresMA5.2-14MG Properties of Geometrical FiguresMA5.3-16MG Properties of Geometrical Figures
NSW Curriculum New
Measurement and spaceProperties of geometrical figuresMA5-GEO-C-01 Properties of geometrical figures AMA5-GEO-P-01 Properties of geometrical figures B (Path)MA5-GEO-P-02 Properties of geometrical figures C (Path)
NSW Mathematics Standard Stage 6 Syllabus
MeasurementMS-M3 Right-angled TrianglesMS-M5 Scale Drawings

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